Hair and Makeup by Anjulie, Wedding, Wedding Hair and Makeup, Wedding Makeup

Julia + Aaron + October 2012


These two love birds are so great!

Julia has been a good friend of mine for a couple years now and when she asked me if I would do her hair and makeup for her wedding I was SO excited and honored.

She was pretty bummed that not a lot of her photos turned out very good, but these are a few that she liked. So I minimally touched them up with the photo editing app I use, called FOTOR.

Notice, Julia is clinching on to Aaron’s suit LOL!

She is obviously COLD!

It was raining on and off that day.

Julia + Aaron fotor 2

Their little moment out in the rain (:

Julia + Aaron Fotor 1

I feel terrible about her hair though, because the rain just totally flattened it ):

They had their wedding ceremony the week before and this was their reception at a very cool barn out in Northbend called Mountain Meadows.

The challenging thing about it was how dark it was for photos. But I really love this shot of them laughing together. (:

Julia + Aaron 3 Fotor

(Photographer credit not given upon request.)

These are my shots. Haha! Can you tell I’m a great photographer (;

Floral Design by Julia’s friend: Emily Martin


Julia and I – I’m laughing about something! Not surprising (;


Blurry shot of J + A – They are so cute!


I love you guys! Julia, thank you for letting me be a part of your wedding day!

And I’m sorry your hair went flat from the rain!

If I could, I’d make a “rain resistant hairspray”! Hmmmm…….. (;

Thanks for checking out my blog!

Have a happy weekend everyone!

❤ Anj
